Saturday, January 31, 2009

Northern Arkansas Ice Storm January 09

Here in White County Arkansas, we had ice for one day and warm rain the next. We escaped the brunt of the storm. 45 minutes North of us though was a completely different story. Mt. View was shuttered for several days; trees are splintered by the thousands. Even Wal-Mart was closed. (You'd think after a year that had 100 yr tornadoes and floods, Wally World would have its act together.) My buddies in Melbourne, Izard County did some A+ video reporting of the situation - they've had a very busy year with such. CHeck it out

We wanted to go up and check out our land in Mt. View this Saturday, but too many people have warned us that the steep road hasn't seen the sun yet and the creek will be too high to cross.

Dagnabbit, I wanna crank up our new chain saw.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Attack of the Beavers

There is a pretty stand of Sycamore Trees on the bank of our slice of Sylamore heaven. It's where we camp. We hadn't been for a visit in almost 3 months. Low and behold the beavers have been busy.

They are eating the bark and killing the trees.



This is all a welcome diversion from the plague of bad front page news elsewhere. But we've got to save those trees! The roots are doing a fine job of staving off flood erosion. ( We lost very little soil during the TWO 100 year floods in the Spring of 08. The lot next to us lost a great deal.)



photos taken with cell phone - sorry.

my temp solution. at hand.

